As you consider exterior remodeling ideas, do not forget to plan for storm water. Whether it is rain or melting snow, you can beautify your landscape in a myriad of ways that will not only protect your building, but use the water to its fullest.
Your choices for your yard must include the effects of nature. Excess storm water can cause a wide range of damages to land and buildings when not kept in check. To rein in these issues and allow greater reabsorption of storm water, consider these simple features:
- Open celled paving is great for an alternative to an expansive driveway and also returns the water to the lawn for better absorption.
- Wooden decks or designs with gravel surfaces in the middle allow water to permeate to the soil below.
- Gravel pathways and driveways are also good options for permeable surfaces.
- Riverbed rocks in low areas that accumulate standing water will promote slow infiltration into the soil.
- Mulch around plant beds will not only allow better infiltration of water but can also provide protection and insulation.
These are just five ideas that add beauty and function to a home. Our professionals at Outdoor Environments will be happy to help you with additional ideas and further planning. Contact us to learn more about our services.