
Pergola by Outdoor Environments

Making proper use of your pergola space is important. Adding custom lights to your pergola can give it a romantic feeling that’s hard to match. Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, so if you’ll be spending any time outdoors, this idea is probably right up your alley!

As outdoor remodeling trends continue to grow more sophisticated, people are continually looking for ways to transform their plain Jane pergola into a warm, romantic haven, and a well-planned lighting scheme is the perfect way to accomplish this.

Good lighting schemes add an ambiance of warmth and coziness to your pergola, not to mention a romantic touch. Imagine a romantic resort vacation. Now imagine it in your own backyard. Whatever type of feel you’re looking to accomplish, there is a lighting scheme that will fit the bill. Some lights can even be left out for use all year round.

And generally there’s no need to worry about whether or not they will scorch your greenery, because outdoor lights for structures are designed not to get too hot. The options truly are limitless as you can choose from normal string lights, colored lights, LED lights and many more.

If your Kansas City outdoor space isn’t yet equipped with a pergola, why not have us add one for you? Visit the Outdoor Environments Facebook page to see examples of our work all over the city!


image via Outdoor Environments